Year |
SG Numbers |
Description |
Price |
1953 |
SG 522 525 529 |
Wildings - 5d, 8d and 1/-
on a small REGISTERED envelope eadch stamp cancelled with an EDINBURGH steel CDS clearly dated 7 JY 53.
1954 |
SG 520 523 524 |
The 3d, 6d and 7d TUDOR CROWN watermark set of three on plain hand written address envelope to USA. Fresh!
1954 |
SG 520 523 524 |
The TUDOR CROWN 3d 6d 7d on a plain airmail envelope clearly and crisply cancelled with a CAMBRIDGE ''wavy'' line dated 18 JAN 1954. SG Cat £125
1954 |
SG 526 527 528 |
The TUDOR CROWN 9d, 10d and 11d on a plain neatly addressed REGISTERED FDC clearly and firmly cancelled with two strikes of the HARROW - MIDDX steel CDS clearly dated 8 FE 54. SG Cat £250
1953 |
SG 526 527 528 |
Wildings - 9d 10d and 11d Tudor Crown
An unaddressed plain cover with each stamp cancelled woth an upright, crisp steel CDS for KETTERING - NORTHANTS dated 8 FE 54.
SG Cat for illustrated £250
1953 |
SG 526 527 528 |
Wildings - 9d 10d 11d Tudor Crown
A small plain envelope neatly opened at top cancelled with two firm strikes of the CANTERNURY - KENT double ring CDS clearly dated 8 FE 54. Attractive!
1954 |
SG 526 527 528 |
The TUDOR CROWN 9d 10d and 11d on a neatly typed addressed FDC clearly cancelled with a ''wavy line'' cancel for LONDON E.C. dated 8 FEB 1954
1955 |
The 2d Brown POSTAL STATIONERY postcard cancelled with a steel dounble ring CDS for SHARPNESS - BERKELEY - GLOS dated 6 AP 55. A rare item! |
1955 |
SG 539-539 |
The ''Waterlow'' High Values set of four on two hand addressed FDCs cancelled woth four upright bold strikes of the SOUTHAMPTON double ring CDS dated 23 SP 55 (for 2/6d 5/-) and 1 SP 55 (for 10/- £1). Seldom seen!
1957 |
SG 561-566 |
The First Graphite set of six plus two additional on a plain brown envelope to USA clearly cancelled 19 NO 57
1957 |
SG 561-566 |
The first graphite set of six produced by the famous dealers J. SANDERS on a cacheted FDC cancelled with two upright strikes of the SOUTHAMPTON double ring CDS clearly dated 19 NO 57
1957 |
SG 561-566 |
The first graphite set of six produced by the famous dealers J. SANDERS on a cacheted FDC cancelled with two upright strikes of the SOUTHAMPTON double ring CDS clearly dated 19 NO 57
1959 |
SG 599-609 |
WILDINGS - The Phosphor-Graphite set of eight on a matched pair of ''J SANDERS'' First Day Covers each cancelled with the SOUTHAMPTON ''wavy'' line cancel. A scarce pair of covers to find. Superb!
1959 |
SG 577 |
4½d Chestnut (two examples) on a small UNADDRESSED envelope cancelled with a crisp steel CDS for KETTERING - NORTHANTS dated 9 FE 59.
SG Cat for illustrated cover £250
1959 |
SG 577 |
4½d Chestnut in a pair on a plain FDC with a neatly typed address cancelld with a double ring CAMBRIDGE CDS dated 9 FE 59 SG Cat £
1959 |
SG 577 |
4½d Chestnut on an illustrated SANDERS small FDC cancelled with a NORWICH ''wavy line'' cancel dated 9 FEB 1959.Rare cover with a cachet. Cat £200
1963 |
SG 574mk |
2½d Carmine-Red - Type II booklet pane of four on a neatly typed addressed illustrated FDC cancelled with two strikes of the WINCHESTER double ring CDS dated 15 JY 63. Cat £100
1964 |
SG 574g |
2½d Carmine-Red - Type II - Watermark Sideways
An unaddressed (label removed) illustrated First Day Cover cancelled with a double ring steel CDS for STRATFORD-UPON-AVON dated 1 JY 64
1963 |
SG 570mk |
½d Orange-Red and 2½d Carmine-Red se-tenant booklet pane of four on a printed addressed illustrated FDC cancelled with two strikes of the WINCHESTER double ring CDS dated 15 JY 63. Cat £90
1964 |
SG 570n |
Se-Tenant booklet pane from ''Holiday Booklets'' cancelled with steel CDS's for the five different locations they were issued at. A matched set of five. |
1965 |
SG 571ma |
Booklet Pane from 2/- Holiday Booklet New Se-tenant Format
With 1d values at right.
A stunning illustrated GROVER FDC (technically unaddressed) cancelled with the WINCHESTER double ring CDS dated 16 AU 65. QAQ |
1965 |
SG 571mn + 571mna |
The se-tenant pair of booklet pains of the 1d and 3d on a pair of matched llustrated GROVER FDC (technically unaddressed) cancelled with the WINCHESTER double ring CDS dated 16 AU 65.
Superb and rare!
Cat £170
1967 |
SG 731 742 744 |
Machin - 4d 1/- 1/9d on a neatly typed official GPO illustrated FDC cancelled with two strikes of PHILATELIC BUREAU - EDINBURGH FDI's dated 5 JUNE 1967 |
1967 |
SG 731 742 744 |
Machin - 4d 1/- 1/9d on official GPO illustrated FDC with typed address cancelled with two strikes of WINDSOR - BERKS FDI's 5 JUNE 1967. |
1967 |
SG 731 742 744 |
Machin - 4d 1/- 1/9d on illustrated PHILART with typed address colour FDC cancelled with two strikes of the LONDON W.C. FDI dated 5 JUN 1967 |
1967 |
SG 731 742 744 |
Machin - 4d, 1/- and 1/9d on
illustrated STUART unaddressed FDC cancelled with a HIGH STREET - SUTTON - SURREY
steel CDS cancel dated 5 JUN 1967.
1967 |
SG 731 742 744 |
Machin - 4d, 1/- and 1/9d on colour WESSEX
illustrated typed addressed FDC cancelled with a BATTERSEA S.W.11
FDI cancel dated 5 JUN 1967.
1967 |
SG 731 742 744 |
Machin - 4d, 1/- and 1/9d on OFFICIAL Coventry Cathedral colour FDC with typed address cancelled with special COVENTRY CATHEDRAL handstamp. |
1967 |
SG 731 742 744 |
Machin - 4d, 1/- and 1/9d on OFFICIAL Coventry Cathedral colour FDC UNADDRESSED cancelled with special COVENTRY CATHEDRAL handstamp. Note additional inscriptions above and below picture. A rare cover. |
1967 |
SG 731 742 744 |
Machin - 4d, 1/- and 1/9d on OFFICIAL Coventry Cathedral colour FDC UNADDRESSED cancelled with special COVENTRY CATHEDRAL handstamp and only sold at the CATHEDRAL BOOK SHOP. Note additional inscriptions above and below picture. A rare cover. |