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Browse - Postal History - Miscellaneous

click add british stamp to your basket to add stamp to your shopping basket.

Pre Stamp (0) Queen Victoria (98) Edward 7th (8) George 5th (10)
Edward 8th (1) George 6th (4) Elizabeth to 1970 (0) Elizabeth from 1971 (1)
Regionals (1) Postcards (2) Officials (1) Postal Stationary (9)
Miscellaneous (1) Mulready & Caricatures (11)

Just a selection of items added here. Probably over 1000 better quality covers to load here in the next few months. If you are looking for a particular TOWN don't forget to use the KEY WORD search facility. Please note all items are scanned on a Black background.

Please note that covers listed here are listed in date order NOT SG catalogue number order. This is because a cover may have several stamps issued on different dates so its easier to use the date of usage.

  Displaying results 1- 1 (of 1)

Year Description Price
view larger front view of image for Sir Winston Churchill<br/>
A standard printed card from his Private Secetary regretting he is unable to comply.<br/>This would usually be for an autograph! Find another!
view larger back view of image for Sir Winston Churchill<br/>
A standard printed card from his Private Secetary regretting he is unable to comply.<br/>This would usually be for an autograph! Find another!

Sir Winston Churchill
A standard printed card from his Private Secetary regretting he is unable to comply.
This would usually be for an autograph! Find another!
£12.50 Add British Stamps Postal History - Miscellaneous Item: Add Sir Winston Churchill<br/>
A standard printed card from his Private Secetary regretting he is unable to comply.<br/>This would usually be for an autograph! Find another!
<br/><b>BBJ</b> to your basket

  Displaying results 1- 1 (of 1)