| Desc
| Condition
| Year
| Price
| Remove
Smiler Sheets - Design Classics - The Mini car |
Fine Used |
2009 SG LS56 |
Elizabeth II (Decimal from 1971) - 1p Crimson - Right Band |
Unmounted Mint |
1987 SG X847Ea |
Commemorative Sets - Red Cross Centenary PHOSPHOR set of three |
Mounted Mint |
1963 SG 642p-644p |
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - 10/- Ultramarine
''Castle'' printed by Waterlow
Edward Crown watermark |
Fine Used |
1955 SG 538 |
George 5th - 2d Orange - Die II
A fine left singe marginal stamp lightly mounted mint overptinted SPECIMEN type 23
Mounted Mint |
1924 SG 421s |
Bargains List - 1/- Dull Green lettered ''Q-F''
A washed very lightly used single with a corner fault
SG Cat £325
Fine Used |
1883 SG 196 |
George 6th - 6d Purple |
Fine Used |
1937 SG 470 |
Commemorative Sets - General Letter Office set of two |
Mounted Mint |
1960 SG 619-620 |
Regionals - £1.35 Olive-Green and Grey
Fine Used |
19 Mar 2019 SG EN56 |
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - 7d Bright Emerald - 2 Bands |
Unmounted Mint |
1 July 1968 SG 737 |
Bargains List - 9d Deep Dull Reddish Purple and Deep Bright Blue
A good sound used stamp
SG Cat £75
Fine Used |
1911 SG 306a |
Bargains List - 4d Dull Green lettered ''H-B''
A good used single a with small thin.
SG Cat £210
Fine Used |
1883 SG 192 |
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - Lister set of two superb unmounted mint handstamped CANCELLED in Black for use by The Post Office Forensic Dept. The stamps are faultless and it must be remembered that these stamps were handled by people who intended to destroy them anyway! QQH
| Unmounted Mint |
1965 SG 667var-668var |
Bargains List - 1½d Dull Purple and Pale Green
A good used single with no faults
SG Cat £8 QEQ
Fine Used |
1887 SG 198 |
George 6th - £1 Brown |
Mounted Mint |
1939 SG 478c |
Queen Victoria - 9d Dull Green lettered ''C-N''
A stunning fine used stamp with perfect colour cancelled with a light, crisp steel CDS for SUN STREET and dated JU 22 85
A truly stunning stamp! A gem!
SG Cat £480+100%=£960
Fine Used |
1883 SG 195 |
Booklets - 3/- Booklet - Edition 114
An exploded booklet with covers and all advert sheets.
SG Cat for complete booklet £525 |
Unmounted Mint |
1924 SG BB24 |
George 6th - ½d Green with WATERMARK SIDEWAYS |
Unmounted Mint |
1937 SG 462a |
Bargains List - 5/- Rose lettered ''E-F''
A good sound used stamp with a central perfin
SG Cat £250
Fine Used |
1883 SG 180 |
Bargains List - 1/- Dull Green. A good used single, very slightly faded but in sound condition. SG Cat £80
X2X |
Fine Used |
1887 SG 211 |
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - 4d British Birds
Black -headed Gull
PHOSPHOR - commemorative odd value |
Unmounted Mint |
1966 SG 696p |
Smiler Sheets - "We Will Remember Them" |
Fine Used |
2006 SG LS35 |
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - 2/6d Black-Brown
''Castles'' printed by De La Rue
know as ''First De La Rue''
Edward Crown watermark |
Fine Used |
1958 SG 536a |
George 6th - £1 Brown |
Fine Used |
1951 SG 512 |
Edward 7th - £1 Deep Green - Somerset House
A superb fine used stamp cancelled with a light GUERNSEY CDS dated FE 6 12
SG Cat £750+50%=£1125
Fine Used |
1911 SG 320 |
Complete Sheets - 4½d Chestnut - Crowns PHOSPHOR
in a complete sheet of 240
The sheet is too big to scan but may be assumed to be in good condition. |
Unmounted Mint |
1961 SG 616b |
Elizabeth II (Decimal from 1971) - British Explorers - The 3p Se-Tenant pair
showing ''GOLD - QUEEN'S HEAD - OMITTED'' A superb unmounted pair. SG Cat £300
Unmounted Mint |
1973 SG 923b-924b |
George 5th - £1 Postal Union Congress
A superb fine used stamp cancelled with a light steel CDS. Pretty.
Fine Used |
1929 SG 438 |
Regionals - £1.33 Deep Reddish Lilac and Silver |
Fine Used |
24 Mar 2015 SG EN44 |
Commemorative Sets - World Scouts Jubilee Jamboree set of three |
Fine Used |
1957 SG 557-559 |
Booklets - 10p Booklet - Design No. 6, Buildings in Sussex |
Unmounted Mint |
1979 SG FA9 |
Elizabeth II (Decimal from 1971) - British Trees - 9p left side marginal single showing ''PHOSPHOR OMITTED'' superb unmounted mint.
X4X |
Unmounted Mint |
1973 SG 922y |
Bargains List - 3d Lilac lettered ''O-I''
A lightly used single with a paper wrinkle
SG Cat £100
Fine Used |
1883 SG 191 |
Regionals - £1.05 Olive-Green and Black |
Fine Used |
22 March 2016 SG EN36 |
George 6th - 2½d Ultramarine |
Mounted Mint |
1937 SG 466 |
Booklets - £2.40 - containing pane of 20x12p |
Unmounted Mint |
1985 SG FX8 |
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - ½d Orange - Watermark Multiple Crowns - PHOSPHOR
A superb unmounted mint Blooket pane of six with WATERMARK INVERTED. |
Unmounted Mint |
1961 SG SB16a |
George 5th - 1½d Red-Brown Block Watermark booklet pane of four with two adverts for CABLE and TELEPHONE SERVICE superb fine used. A rare pane to find superb used with FULL perforationa and selvedge!!
Fine Used |
1924 SG NB15-4 |
Bargains List - 5d Dull Purple and Blue - Die II
A good sound used stamp with no faults.
SG Cat £15
Fine Used |
1887 SG 207a |
£2050.15 |