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Number of items: 16
Price: £377.40

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You have the following sets in your basket. If you would like to remove items from your basket please click the remove button to the right of the item you no longer require. Once you are happy with your selections click continue to move to the next step in the order process.

**********Please note that the minimum order is £20**********

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Desc Condition Year Price Remove
Commemorative Sets - Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust
set of five
Unmounted Mint 1996
SG 1915-1919
£2.00 Remove from basket
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - 2½d Carmine-Red - Type I Unmounted Mint 1952
SG 519
£0.10 Remove from basket
George 5th - 9d Olive-Green
A superb fine used stamp showing
SG Cat £120
Fine Used 1924
SG 427Wi
£75.00 Remove from basket
Booklets - 2/- Booklet
Dated October 1964
Unmounted Mint 1964
SG N18
£35.00 Remove from basket
Commemorative Sets - British Aircraft Designers
set of five
Fine Used 1997
SG 1984-1988
£2.60 Remove from basket
Elizabeth II (Decimal from 1971) - from: ZP1a - "Stamps for Cooks" - 4dx15 - "Stuffed Cucumber" pane - good perforations Unmounted Mint 1 Dec 1969
SG 733v
£1.25 Remove from basket
George 6th - 1½ Red-Brown with WATERMARK SIDEWAYS Unmounted Mint 1937
SG 464a
£0.50 Remove from basket
Booklets - 2/- Booklet
Dated April 1965
Unmounted Mint 1965
SG N20
£28.00 Remove from basket
Complete Sheets - 4d Sepia - 2 Band - Cylinder 12 DOT
Complete sheet of 240

Due to the size it is not possible to scan. Therefore one quarter of the sheet is shown but it may be assumed to be complete and undamaged.
Unmounted Mint 1967
SG 731
£15.00 Remove from basket
Booklets - 2/- Booklet
Dated August 1964
Unmounted Mint 1964
SG N17p
£70.00 Remove from basket
Booklets - £1.08 (4x27p) - Harrison - Window code S on back - Contains X973L Unmounted Mint 1988
£6.90 Remove from basket
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - 4d Bright Vermilion - PVA Gum - Centre Band Unmounted Mint 6 Jan 1969
SG 733
£0.10 Remove from basket
George 6th - 9d Deep Olive-Green Unmounted Mint 1937
SG 473
£3.25 Remove from basket
George 6th - £1 Brown
A superb unmounted mint SW corner block of four
Unmounted Mint 1939
SG 478c
£62.50 Remove from basket
Elizabeth II (Pre decimal to 1970) - £1 Black
''Castle'' printed by Waterlow
Edward Crown watermark
Unmounted Mint 1955
SG 539
£75.00 Remove from basket
George 6th - 2½d Olympic Games
commemorative single
Unmounted Mint 1948
SG 495
£0.20 Remove from basket

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**********Please note that the minimum order is £20**********

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