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Browse - PHQ Cards Stamps - Commemorative Mint

"PHQ" Cards are official Post Office reproductions of various stamp issues turned into a large postcards.

Please note the "highest face value" card or the Minisheet of the set is shown from each set.
The number of cards in the set is always stated.

Postage and Packing for orders of PHQ Cards will be at £1.50

click Add British Stamp to your basket to add stamp to your shopping basket.

Commemorative Mint (574) Commemorative Used (312) Definitive Mint (28) Definitive Used (10)
Miscellaneous (0)


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Year SG Numbers Description Price
view larger image for PHQ No.199 (1998) - Children's Fantasy Novels<br/>Set of five cards
1998 PHQ No.199 Children's Fantasy Novels
Set of five cards
£1.50 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Children's Fantasy Novels<br/>Set of five cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.199a (1998) - Children's Fantasy Novels <br/>20p card with CORRECTED inscription of 'TOLKIEN'<br/>plus photocopied letter from Post Office
1998 PHQ No.199a Children's Fantasy Novels
20p card with CORRECTED inscription of "TOLKIEN"
plus photocopied letter from Post Office
£7.50 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Children's Fantasy Novels <br/>20p card with CORRECTED inscription of 'TOLKIEN'<br/>plus photocopied letter from Post Office to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.200 (1998) - EUROPA - Notting Hill Carnival<br/>Set of four cards
1998 PHQ No.200 EUROPA - Notting Hill Carnival
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add EUROPA - Notting Hill Carnival<br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.201 (1998) - British Land Speed Records<br/>Set of five cards
1998 PHQ No.201 British Land Speed Records
Set of five cards
£1.75 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add British Land Speed Records<br/>Set of five cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.202 (1998) - Christmas - Angels<br/>Set of five cards
1998 PHQ No.202 Christmas - Angels
Set of five cards
£1.80 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Christmas - Angels<br/>Set of five cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.- (1998) - Christmas 20p single card<br/>
printed on back with 'CHRISTMAS COLLECTABLES' text<br/>A rare card! Note: Only the variety is supplied.
1998 PHQ No.- Christmas 20p single card
printed on back with "CHRISTMAS COLLECTABLES" text
A rare card! Note: Only the variety is supplied.
£20.00 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Christmas 20p single card<br/>
printed on back with 'CHRISTMAS COLLECTABLES' text<br/>A rare card! Note: Only the variety is supplied. to your basket
1999 PHQ card sets
view larger image for PHQ No.203 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Inventors' Tale <br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.203 Millennium Series - The Inventors' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Inventors' Tale <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.204 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Travellers' Tale<br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.204 Millennium Series - The Travellers' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Travellers' Tale<br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.205 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Patients' Tale <br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.205 Millennium Series - The Patients' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Patients' Tale <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.206 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Settlers' Tale <br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.206 Millennium Series - The Settlers' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Settlers' Tale <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.207 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Workers' Tale <br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.207 Millennium Series - The Workers' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Workers' Tale <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.208 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Entertainers' Tale<br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.208 Millennium Series - The Entertainers' Tale
Set of four cards
£2.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Entertainers' Tale<br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.PSM01 (1999) - Royal wedding - Edward and Sophie <br/>Set of two cards
1999 PHQ No.PSM01 Royal wedding - Edward and Sophie
Set of two cards
£1.00 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Royal wedding - Edward and Sophie <br/>Set of two cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.209 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Citizens' Tale <br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.209 Millennium Series - The Citizens' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Citizens' Tale <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.210 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Scientists' Tale<br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.210 Millennium Series - The Scientists' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.75 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Scientists' Tale<br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.211 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Farmers' Tale <br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.211 Millennium Series - The Farmers' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Farmers' Tale <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.212 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Soldiers' Tale <br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.212 Millennium Series - The Soldiers' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Soldiers' Tale <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.213 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Christians' Tales<br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.213 Millennium Series - The Christians' Tales
Set of four cards
£1.00 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Christians' Tales<br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.214 (1999) - Millennium Series - The Artists' Tale <br/>Set of four cards
1999 PHQ No.214 Millennium Series - The Artists' Tale
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Series - The Artists' Tale <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.PSM02 (1999) - Millennium Timekeep<br/>Minisheet singles plus minisheet set of five cards
1999 PHQ No.PSM02 Millennium Timekeep
Minisheet singles plus minisheet set of five cards
£1.50 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Timekeep<br/>Minisheet singles plus minisheet set of five cards to your basket
2000 PHQ card sets
view larger image for PHQ No.215 (2000) - Millennium Projects (1st Series) - 'Above and Beyond'<br/> Set of four cards
2000 PHQ No.215 Millennium Projects (1st Series) - "Above and Beyond"
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Projects (1st Series) - 'Above and Beyond'<br/> Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.216 (2000) - 	Millennium Projects (2nd Series) - 'Fire and Light' <br/>Set of four cards
2000 PHQ No.216 Millennium Projects (2nd Series) - "Fire and Light"
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add 	Millennium Projects (2nd Series) - 'Fire and Light' <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.217 (2000) - Millennium Projects (3rd Series) - 'Water and Coast'<br/> Set of four cards
2000 PHQ No.217 Millennium Projects (3rd Series) - "Water and Coast"
Set of four cards
£1.20 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Projects (3rd Series) - 'Water and Coast'<br/> Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.218 (2000) - Millennium Projects (4th Series) - 'Life and Earth'<br/> Set of four cards
2000 PHQ No.218 Millennium Projects (4th Series) - "Life and Earth"
Set of four cards
£1.25 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Projects (4th Series) - 'Life and Earth'<br/> Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.219 (2000) - Millennium Projects ( 5th Series) - 'Art and Craft' <br/>Set of four cards
2000 PHQ No.219 Millennium Projects ( 5th Series) - "Art and Craft"
Set of four cards
£1.25 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Projects ( 5th Series) - 'Art and Craft' <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.PSM03 (2000) - Her Majesty's Stamps single and minisheets<br/>Set of two cards
2000 PHQ No.PSM03 Her Majesty's Stamps single and minisheets
Set of two cards
£2.00 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Her Majesty's Stamps single and minisheets<br/>Set of two cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.220 (2000) - Millennium Projects (6th Series) - 'People and Places' <br/>Set of four cards
2000 PHQ No.220 Millennium Projects (6th Series) - "People and Places"
Set of four cards
£1.25 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Projects (6th Series) - 'People and Places' <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.221 (2000) - Millennium Projects (7th Series) - 'Stone and Soil' <br/>Set of four cards
2000 PHQ No.221 Millennium Projects (7th Series) - "Stone and Soil"
Set of four cards
£1.25 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Projects (7th Series) - 'Stone and Soil' <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.222 (2000) - Millennium Projects (8th Series) - 'Tree and Leaf' <br/>Set of four cards
2000 PHQ No.222 Millennium Projects (8th Series) - "Tree and Leaf"
Set of four cards
£1.25 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Millennium Projects (8th Series) - 'Tree and Leaf' <br/>Set of four cards to your basket
view larger image for PHQ No.PSM04 (2000) - Queen Mother's Birthday set of four singles plus minisheet <br/> five cards in total
2000 PHQ No.PSM04 Queen Mother's Birthday set of four singles plus minisheet
five cards in total
£1.50 Add British Stamps PHQ Cards - Commemorative Mint Item: add Queen Mother's Birthday set of four singles plus minisheet <br/> five cards in total to your basket

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