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Browse - Elizabeth II (Decimal from 1971) - 1971-now Commemoratives - Errors and Miscellaneous 

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1971-now Commemoratives - Errors and Miscellaneous UM MM FU
view larger image for SG 933a (1973) - British Paintings - 7½p value<br/>showing <b>GOLD (QUEEN'S HEAD) OMITTED</b><br/>A superb unmounted mint single with normal for comparison.<br/>SG Cat £250<br/><b>QQC</b>

SG 933a
British Paintings - 7½p value
A superb unmounted mint single with normal for comparison.
SG Cat £250
£180.00 Add SG 933a (1973) - British Paintings - 7½p value<br/>showing <b>GOLD (QUEEN'S HEAD) OMITTED</b><br/>A superb unmounted mint single with normal for comparison.<br/>SG Cat £250<br/><b>QQC</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 948a (1973) - Christmas<br/>
The 3½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>
SG Cat £350

SG 948a
The 3½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint horizontal IMPERFORATE pair.
SG Cat £350
£275.00 Add SG 948a (1973) - Christmas<br/>
The 3½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>
SG Cat £350
<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 948b (1973) - Christmas - The 3½p stamp with PVA gum showing the variety <b>''GREY BLACK OMITTED'' </b>affecting the 3½p value, faces and feet. </b>Superb unmounted mint with normal for comparison.<br/><b>QQC</b>

SG 948b
Christmas - The 3½p stamp with PVA gum showing the variety ''GREY BLACK OMITTED'' affecting the 3½p value, faces and feet. Superb unmounted mint with normal for comparison.
£145.00 Add SG 948b (1973) - Christmas - The 3½p stamp with PVA gum showing the variety <b>''GREY BLACK OMITTED'' </b>affecting the 3½p value, faces and feet. </b>Superb unmounted mint with normal for comparison.<br/><b>QQC</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 948a (1973) - Christmas<br/>
The 3½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint horizontal left side marginal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>
SG Cat £475<br/><b>QQC</b>

SG 948a
The 3½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint horizontal left side marginal IMPERFORATE pair.
SG Cat £475
£295.00 Add SG 948a (1973) - Christmas<br/>
The 3½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint horizontal left side marginal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>
SG Cat £475<br/><b>QQC</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 948d (1973) - Christmas the 3½p stamp superb unmounted mint showing <b>''BLUE (LEG, ROBES) OMITTED''</b> SG Cat £300<br/><b>QRQ</b>

SG 948d
Christmas the 3½p stamp superb unmounted mint showing ''BLUE (LEG, ROBES) OMITTED'' SG Cat £300
£195.00 Add SG 948d (1973) - Christmas the 3½p stamp superb unmounted mint showing <b>''BLUE (LEG, ROBES) OMITTED''</b> SG Cat £300<br/><b>QRQ</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 954var (1974) - Centenary of UPU - the 3½p stamp in a 'Traffic Light' SE corner block of six showing a dramatic upwards perforation shift resulting in both lines of inscription at top of stamp and one line on sheet margin. Normal stamp laid on scan not stuck to stamps!

SG 954var
Centenary of UPU - the 3½p stamp in a "Traffic Light" SE corner block of six showing a dramatic upwards perforation shift resulting in both lines of inscription at top of stamp and one line on sheet margin. Normal stamp laid on scan not stuck to stamps! £225.00 Add SG 954var (1974) - Centenary of UPU - the 3½p stamp in a 'Traffic Light' SE corner block of six showing a dramatic upwards perforation shift resulting in both lines of inscription at top of stamp and one line on sheet margin. Normal stamp laid on scan not stuck to stamps! to your basket
view larger image for SG 980var (1975) - Sailing Issue<br/>
The 7p stamp superb unmounted with a ''DROPPED HEAD'' variety resulting in the top bar of the 7p being covered. The stamp also shows part of ''KNOT'' variety. See SPEC CAT W310b.

With normal for comparison.


SG 980var
Sailing Issue
The 7p stamp superb unmounted with a ''DROPPED HEAD'' variety resulting in the top bar of the 7p being covered. The stamp also shows part of ''KNOT'' variety. See SPEC CAT W310b. With normal for comparison.
£30.00 Add SG 980var (1975) - Sailing Issue<br/>
The 7p stamp superb unmounted with a ''DROPPED HEAD'' variety resulting in the top bar of the 7p being covered. The stamp also shows part of ''KNOT'' variety. See SPEC CAT W310b.

With normal for comparison.

<br/><b>ERRX to your basket
view larger image for SG 981a (1975) - Sailing Issue 8p stamp superb very lightly mounted mint showing  <b>BLACK OMITTED </b>resulting in the rigging being missing. SG Cat £75<br/><b>QQC</b>

SG 981a
Sailing Issue 8p stamp superb very lightly mounted mint showing BLACK OMITTED resulting in the rigging being missing. SG Cat £75
£60.00 Add SG 981a (1975) - Sailing Issue 8p stamp superb very lightly mounted mint showing  <b>BLACK OMITTED </b>resulting in the rigging being missing. SG Cat £75<br/><b>QQC</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 981a (1975) - Sailing Issue 8p stamp superb unmounted mint showing  <b>BLACK OMITTED </b>resulting in the rigging being missing. SG Cat £135

SG 981a
Sailing Issue 8p stamp superb unmounted mint showing BLACK OMITTED resulting in the rigging being missing. SG Cat £135
£95.00 Add SG 981a (1975) - Sailing Issue 8p stamp superb unmounted mint showing  <b>BLACK OMITTED </b>resulting in the rigging being missing. SG Cat £135
<br/><b>QQA</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1036var (1977) - 11p Silver Jubilee<br/>
A superb unmounted mint single showing a <b>DROPPED HEAD</b> central panel resulting in a large White area above head with nornal for comparion.  

SG 1036var
11p Silver Jubilee
A superb unmounted mint single showing a DROPPED HEAD central panel resulting in a large White area above head with nornal for comparion.
£6.00 Add SG 1036var (1977) - 11p Silver Jubilee<br/>
A superb unmounted mint single showing a <b>DROPPED HEAD</b> central panel resulting in a large White area above head with nornal for comparion.  
<br/><b>QQW</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1057var (1978) - British Architecture - Historic Buildings the 13p stamp superb unmounted mint in two very distinct shades of BROWN

SG 1057var
British Architecture - Historic Buildings the 13p stamp superb unmounted mint in two very distinct shades of BROWN £2.50 Add SG 1057var (1978) - British Architecture - Historic Buildings the 13p stamp superb unmounted mint in two very distinct shades of BROWN to your basket
view larger image for SG 1068var (1978) - British Cycling the 10½ stamp superb unmounted mint showing a <b>DROPPED</b> Gold Queen's Head.

SG 1068var
British Cycling the 10½ stamp superb unmounted mint showing a DROPPED Gold Queen's Head. £17.50 Add SG 1068var (1978) - British Cycling the 10½ stamp superb unmounted mint showing a <b>DROPPED</b> Gold Queen's Head. to your basket
view larger image for SG 1081var (1979) - Spring Wild Flowers the 11p stamp superb unmounted mint showing a small shift of the SILVER Queen's Head to left

SG 1081var
Spring Wild Flowers the 11p stamp superb unmounted mint showing a small shift of the SILVER Queen's Head to left £7.50 Add SG 1081var (1979) - Spring Wild Flowers the 11p stamp superb unmounted mint showing a small shift of the SILVER Queen's Head to left to your basket
view larger image for SG MS1099g (1979) - Sir Rowland Hill minisheet superb unmounted mint <br/>showing <b>PALE GREENISH YELLOW OMITTED</b>. <br/>SG Cat £700

SG MS1099g
Sir Rowland Hill minisheet superb unmounted mint
SG Cat £700
£600.00 Add SG MS1099g (1979) - Sir Rowland Hill minisheet superb unmounted mint <br/>showing <b>PALE GREENISH YELLOW OMITTED</b>. <br/>SG Cat £700
 to your basket
view larger image for SG MS1099c (1979) - The Rowland Hill Minisheet<br/>
A superb unmounted mint sheet showing <b>''GOLD - QUEEN'S HEAD'' </b>Omitted.<br/>Pierron records only 36 examples. SG Cat £600<br/><b>QQF</b>

SG MS1099c
The Rowland Hill Minisheet
A superb unmounted mint sheet showing ''GOLD - QUEEN'S HEAD'' Omitted.
Pierron records only 36 examples. SG Cat £600
£420.00 Add SG MS1099c (1979) - The Rowland Hill Minisheet<br/>
A superb unmounted mint sheet showing <b>''GOLD - QUEEN'S HEAD'' </b>Omitted.<br/>Pierron records only 36 examples. SG Cat £600<br/><b>QQF</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG MS1099bvar (1979) - Sir Rowland Hill<br/>
Four stamps (lower set) superb unmounted mint from the minisheet each showing ''BROWN-OCHRE omitted''. Sheet split before the error was noticed! Six sheets recorded - this set is unique?<br/>
SG Cat for M/S £4250<br/><b>ERRX

SG MS1099bvar
Sir Rowland Hill
Four stamps (lower set) superb unmounted mint from the minisheet each showing ''BROWN-OCHRE omitted''. Sheet split before the error was noticed! Six sheets recorded - this set is unique?
SG Cat for M/S £4250
£2500.00 Add SG MS1099bvar (1979) - Sir Rowland Hill<br/>
Four stamps (lower set) superb unmounted mint from the minisheet each showing ''BROWN-OCHRE omitted''. Sheet split before the error was noticed! Six sheets recorded - this set is unique?<br/>
SG Cat for M/S £4250<br/><b>ERRX to your basket
view larger image for SG MS1099a (1979) - Sir Rowland Hill<br/>
The minisheet superb unmounted mint completely <b>IMPERFORATE</b>. Just six are recorded and some of those are with faults. This sheet  is <b>completely faultless</b> and very rare! Terms available.
<br/>SG Cat £4000

SG MS1099a
Sir Rowland Hill
The minisheet superb unmounted mint completely IMPERFORATE. Just six are recorded and some of those are with faults. This sheet is completely faultless and very rare! Terms available.
SG Cat £4000
£3500.00 Add SG MS1099a (1979) - Sir Rowland Hill<br/>
The minisheet superb unmounted mint completely <b>IMPERFORATE</b>. Just six are recorded and some of those are with faults. This sheet  is <b>completely faultless</b> and very rare! Terms available.
<br/>SG Cat £4000
<br/><b>ERRX to your basket
view larger image for SG 1103var (1979) - Metropolitan Police the 15p stamp superb unmounted mint multiple minor colour shifts that complete distorts the sea waves making that area of the design indistinct. Winth normal for comparison. Unusual.

SG 1103var
Metropolitan Police the 15p stamp superb unmounted mint multiple minor colour shifts that complete distorts the sea waves making that area of the design indistinct. Winth normal for comparison. Unusual. £12.50 Add SG 1103var (1979) - Metropolitan Police the 15p stamp superb unmounted mint multiple minor colour shifts that complete distorts the sea waves making that area of the design indistinct. Winth normal for comparison. Unusual. to your basket
view larger image for SG 1113abvar (1980) - 150th Anniversary of Liverpool and Manchester Railway <br/>
Strip unmounted mint <b>IMPERFORATE</b> some perf indents at right plus bonus of Traffic Lights. 10 recorded pairs thus this strip is <b>UNIQUE</b>
SG Cat for fully imperf £3250<br/><b>ERRX</b>

SG 1113abvar
150th Anniversary of Liverpool and Manchester Railway
Strip unmounted mint IMPERFORATE some perf indents at right plus bonus of Traffic Lights. 10 recorded pairs thus this strip is UNIQUE SG Cat for fully imperf £3250
£2400.00 Add SG 1113abvar (1980) - 150th Anniversary of Liverpool and Manchester Railway <br/>
Strip unmounted mint <b>IMPERFORATE</b> some perf indents at right plus bonus of Traffic Lights. 10 recorded pairs thus this strip is <b>UNIQUE</b>
SG Cat for fully imperf £3250<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG MS1119a (1980) - London 1980 Stamp Exhibition<br/>
The minisheet superb unmounted mint <br/><b>COMPLETELY IMPERFORATE</b>
<br/>PIRRON states 12 known.<br/>SG Cat £3750


SG MS1119a
London 1980 Stamp Exhibition
The minisheet superb unmounted mint
PIRRON states 12 known.
SG Cat £3750
£2995.00 Add SG MS1119a (1980) - London 1980 Stamp Exhibition<br/>
The minisheet superb unmounted mint <br/><b>COMPLETELY IMPERFORATE</b>
<br/>PIRRON states 12 known.<br/>SG Cat £3750

<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint in pair with normal showing the <br/><b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b>  A famous error!

SG 1125Ea
EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint in pair with normal showing the
MISSING "p" IN VALUE A famous error!
£15.00 Add SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint in pair with normal showing the <br/><b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b>  A famous error!
<br/><b>QDQ</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb fine used showing the <b>MISSING 'p'  IN VALUE</b> A famous error!<br/><b>QDQ</b>

SG 1125Ea
EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb fine used showing the MISSING "p" IN VALUE A famous error!
£12.50 Add SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb fine used showing the <b>MISSING 'p'  IN VALUE</b> A famous error!<br/><b>QDQ</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint showing the <b>MISSING 'p'  IN VALUE</b> A famous error!

SG 1125Ea
EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint showing the MISSING "p" IN VALUE A famous error! £12.50 Add SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint showing the <b>MISSING 'p'  IN VALUE</b> A famous error! to your basket
view larger image for SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp superb unmounted mint positional block of eighteen showing the
<b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b> error on stamp 4/2

SG 1125Ea
EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp superb unmounted mint positional block of eighteen showing the MISSING "p" IN VALUE error on stamp 4/2 £25.00 Add SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp superb unmounted mint positional block of eighteen showing the
<b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b> error on stamp 4/2 to your basket
view larger image for SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp in a superb unmounted mint block of four showing the 
<b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b> error on one.  <br/><b>QRQ</b>

SG 1125Ea
EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp in a superb unmounted mint block of four showing the MISSING "p" IN VALUE error on one.
£16.00 Add SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp in a superb unmounted mint block of four showing the 
<b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b> error on one.  <br/><b>QRQ</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint in pair with normal showing the <br/><b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b>  A famous error!

SG 1125Ea
EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint in pair with normal showing the
MISSING "p" IN VALUE A famous error!
£15.00 Add SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses the 12p stamp superb unmounted mint in pair with normal showing the <br/><b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b>  A famous error!
<br/><b>QAA</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp superb unmounted mint positional block of eight  showing the<br/> 
<b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b> error. <br/><b>QRQ</b>

SG 1125Ea
EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp superb unmounted mint positional block of eight showing the
£19.00 Add SG 1125Ea (1980) - EUROPA - Famous Authoresses. The 12p stamp superb unmounted mint positional block of eight  showing the<br/> 
<b>MISSING 'p' IN VALUE</b> error. <br/><b>QRQ</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1128a (1980) - Famous Authoresses<br/>
The 17½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint <b>IMPERFORATE</b> horizontal pair also with <b>SLATEBLUE OMITTED</b><br/>50 pairs known.
SG Cat £750


SG 1128a
Famous Authoresses
The 17½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint IMPERFORATE horizontal pair also with SLATEBLUE OMITTED
50 pairs known. SG Cat £750
£650.00 Add SG 1128a (1980) - Famous Authoresses<br/>
The 17½p stamp in a superb unmounted mint <b>IMPERFORATE</b> horizontal pair also with <b>SLATEBLUE OMITTED</b><br/>50 pairs known.
SG Cat £750

<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1129avar (1980) - 80th Birthday of Queen Mother<br/>
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal pair that at first glance appears to be <b>IMPERFORATE</b><br/>The pair does have perf indentations between hence price. <br/>
SG Cat for perfect £1200


SG 1129avar
80th Birthday of Queen Mother
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal pair that at first glance appears to be IMPERFORATE
The pair does have perf indentations between hence price.
SG Cat for perfect £1200
£395.00 Add SG 1129avar (1980) - 80th Birthday of Queen Mother<br/>
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal pair that at first glance appears to be <b>IMPERFORATE</b><br/>The pair does have perf indentations between hence price. <br/>
SG Cat for perfect £1200

<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG 1137var (1980) - British Sports Centenaries - the 17½p CRICKET value superb unmounted mint 'Traffic Light' NE corner block of four with <b>PRIOR TO PRINTING AND PERFORATING</b> paper fold resulting in design printed on the gum side. Errors like this on QUESTA are rare.

SG 1137var
British Sports Centenaries - the 17½p CRICKET value superb unmounted mint "Traffic Light" NE corner block of four with PRIOR TO PRINTING AND PERFORATING paper fold resulting in design printed on the gum side. Errors like this on QUESTA are rare. £1800.00 Add SG 1137var (1980) - British Sports Centenaries - the 17½p CRICKET value superb unmounted mint 'Traffic Light' NE corner block of four with <b>PRIOR TO PRINTING AND PERFORATING</b> paper fold resulting in design printed on the gum side. Errors like this on QUESTA are rare. to your basket


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