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Price: £103

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Browse - Elizabeth II (Decimal from 1971) - Machins - Regular Perfs - Errors and Miscellaneous (Specialist Stamps)

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Previous Page of British Stamps Booklets Displaying results 31- 54 (of 54)

Machins - Regular Perfs - Errors and Miscellaneous UM MM FU
view larger image for SG X907Eu var (1982) - 15½p Pale Violet - with <b>STAR</b> underprint<br/>
showing <b>PHOSPHOR OMITTED</b>
<br/>A superb unmounted mint stamp.

SG X907Eu var
15½p Pale Violet - with STAR underprint
A superb unmounted mint stamp.
£55.00 Add SG X907Eu var (1982) - 15½p Pale Violet - with <b>STAR</b> underprint<br/>
showing <b>PHOSPHOR OMITTED</b>
<br/>A superb unmounted mint stamp.
<br/><b>QUQ</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG X909var (1984) - 17p Grey-Blue - 2 Bands<br/>
A superb unmounted mint pair not 2 Bands but in fact band at left on left side stamp and band at right on right stamp taken from a transposed bands booklet pane. Rare.

SG X909var
17p Grey-Blue - 2 Bands
A superb unmounted mint pair not 2 Bands but in fact band at left on left side stamp and band at right on right stamp taken from a transposed bands booklet pane. Rare.
£25.00 Add SG X909var (1984) - 17p Grey-Blue - 2 Bands<br/>
A superb unmounted mint pair not 2 Bands but in fact band at left on left side stamp and band at right on right stamp taken from a transposed bands booklet pane. Rare. to your basket
view larger image for SG X913var (1991) - 18p bright Green - Centre Band. A superb unmounted mint horizontal pair showing an excellent example of a ''Broken Pin'' variety between the two stamps

SG X913var
18p bright Green - Centre Band. A superb unmounted mint horizontal pair showing an excellent example of a ''Broken Pin'' variety between the two stamps £4.00 Add SG X913var (1991) - 18p bright Green - Centre Band. A superb unmounted mint horizontal pair showing an excellent example of a ''Broken Pin'' variety between the two stamps to your basket
view larger image for SG X921var (1977) - 50p Ochre-Brown - 2 Bands<br/>
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal ''Arrow'' block of eight showing defective perforating giving the appearance of being <b>IMPERFORATE</b>. Note this stamp is not known completely imperforate.

SG X921var
50p Ochre-Brown - 2 Bands
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal ''Arrow'' block of eight showing defective perforating giving the appearance of being IMPERFORATE. Note this stamp is not known completely imperforate.
£95.00 Add SG X921var (1977) - 50p Ochre-Brown - 2 Bands<br/>
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal ''Arrow'' block of eight showing defective perforating giving the appearance of being <b>IMPERFORATE</b>. Note this stamp is not known completely imperforate. to your basket
view larger image for SG X921var (1977) - 50p Ochre-Brown - 2 Bands<br/>
A superb unmounted mint vertical strip of three that appears to be <b>IMPREFORATE</B>  but does in fact have perf indents. Unusual. Note this stamp is not known completely imperforate.

SG X921var
50p Ochre-Brown - 2 Bands
A superb unmounted mint vertical strip of three that appears to be IMPREFORATE but does in fact have perf indents. Unusual. Note this stamp is not known completely imperforate.
£40.00 Add SG X921var (1977) - 50p Ochre-Brown - 2 Bands<br/>
A superb unmounted mint vertical strip of three that appears to be <b>IMPREFORATE</B>  but does in fact have perf indents. Unusual. Note this stamp is not known completely imperforate. to your basket
view larger image for SG X930var (1980) - 3p Bright Magenta superb unmounted mint lower single with an 8mm downwards perforation shift. A stunning shift especially so showing marginal rule!

SG X930var
3p Bright Magenta superb unmounted mint lower single with an 8mm downwards perforation shift. A stunning shift especially so showing marginal rule! £50.00 Add SG X930var (1980) - 3p Bright Magenta superb unmounted mint lower single with an 8mm downwards perforation shift. A stunning shift especially so showing marginal rule! to your basket
view larger image for SG X948a (1981) - 15½p Pale Violet - Phosphorised Paper<br/>A superb unmounted mint imperforate pair.

SG X948a
15½p Pale Violet - Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint imperforate pair.
£160.00 Add SG X948a (1981) - 15½p Pale Violet - Phosphorised Paper<br/>A superb unmounted mint imperforate pair. to your basket
view larger image for SG X948a (1981) - 15½p Pale Violet - Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>SG Cat £200


SG X948a
15½p Pale Violet - Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint horizontal IMPERFORATE pair.
SG Cat £200
£165.00 Add SG X948a (1981) - 15½p Pale Violet - Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>SG Cat £200

<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG X949a (1983) - 16p Olive-Drab on Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>SG Cat £125


SG X949a
16p Olive-Drab on Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint horizontal IMPERFORATE pair.
SG Cat £125
£80.00 Add SG X949a (1983) - 16p Olive-Drab on Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>SG Cat £125

<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG X949a (1983) - 16p Olive-Drab on Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>SG Cat £125


SG X949a
16p Olive-Drab on Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint horizontal IMPERFORATE pair.
SG Cat £125
£80.00 Add SG X949a (1983) - 16p Olive-Drab on Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>SG Cat £125

<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG X952var (1983) - 17p Gre-Blue - Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint single with a huge perforation shift.

SG X952var
17p Gre-Blue - Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint single with a huge perforation shift.
£45.00 Add SG X952var (1983) - 17p Gre-Blue - Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint single with a huge perforation shift.
<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG X955var (1986) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper. A pair from a straight edged £1 Booklet in superb unmounted mint condition showing a large flaw in the Queen's hair on the stamp at left.

SG X955var
18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper. A pair from a straight edged £1 Booklet in superb unmounted mint condition showing a large flaw in the Queen's hair on the stamp at left. £3.50 Add SG X955var (1986) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper. A pair from a straight edged £1 Booklet in superb unmounted mint condition showing a large flaw in the Queen's hair on the stamp at left. to your basket
view larger image for SG X955var (1984) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper<br/>
A right side marginal block of ten showing full perforations at foot and <b>IMPERFORATE</b> at top with fading away perforations. Unusual.

SG X955var
18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper
A right side marginal block of ten showing full perforations at foot and IMPERFORATE at top with fading away perforations. Unusual.
£75.00 Add SG X955var (1984) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper<br/>
A right side marginal block of ten showing full perforations at foot and <b>IMPERFORATE</b> at top with fading away perforations. Unusual. to your basket
view larger image for SG X955a (1984) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint right side ''Arrow''  marginal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> block of four.<br/>SG Cat £200 plus premium for marginal and ''Arrow''

SG X955a
18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper
A superb unmounted mint right side ''Arrow'' marginal IMPERFORATE block of four.
SG Cat £200 plus premium for marginal and ''Arrow''
£155.00 Add SG X955a (1984) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint right side ''Arrow''  marginal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> block of four.<br/>SG Cat £200 plus premium for marginal and ''Arrow'' to your basket
view larger image for SG X955a (1984) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint right side marginal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.   SG Cat £100

SG X955a
18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper
A superb unmounted mint right side marginal IMPERFORATE pair. SG Cat £100
£75.00 Add SG X955a (1984) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint right side marginal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.   SG Cat £100 to your basket
view larger image for SG X955a (1984) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> block of four.<br/>SG Cat £200 plus premium for marginal.

SG X955a
18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal IMPERFORATE block of four.
SG Cat £200 plus premium for marginal.
£145.00 Add SG X955a (1984) - 18p Olive-Grey on Phosphorised paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint left side marginal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> block of four.<br/>SG Cat £200 plus premium for marginal. to your basket
view larger image for SG X962a (1980) - 22p Blue - Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint <b>IMPERFORATED</b> horizontal pair. SG Cat £325

SG X962a
22p Blue - Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint IMPERFORATED horizontal pair. SG Cat £325
£175.00 Add SG X962a (1980) - 22p Blue - Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint <b>IMPERFORATED</b> horizontal pair. SG Cat £325 to your basket
view larger image for SG X962a (1980) - 22p Blue - Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint <b>IMPERFORATED</b> horizontal pair. SG Cat £325


SG X962a
22p Blue - Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint IMPERFORATED horizontal pair. SG Cat £325
£175.00 Add SG X962a (1980) - 22p Blue - Phosphorised Paper<br/>
A superb unmounted mint <b>IMPERFORATED</b> horizontal pair. SG Cat £325

<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG X963a (1984) - 22p Yellow Green<br/>
A superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>
PIERRON states 10 pairs known SG Cat £2000 


SG X963a
22p Yellow Green
A superb unmounted mint horizontal IMPERFORATE pair.
PIERRON states 10 pairs known SG Cat £2000
£1450.00 Add SG X963a (1984) - 22p Yellow Green<br/>
A superb unmounted mint horizontal <b>IMPERFORATE</b> pair.<br/>
PIERRON states 10 pairs known SG Cat £2000 

<br/><b>ERRX</b> to your basket
view larger image for SG X969var (1991) - 24p Chestnut - Phosporised Paper. A superb unmounted mint horizontal pair showing an excellent example of a ''Broken Pin'' variety between the two stamps.

SG X969var
24p Chestnut - Phosporised Paper. A superb unmounted mint horizontal pair showing an excellent example of a ''Broken Pin'' variety between the two stamps. £5.00 Add SG X969var (1991) - 24p Chestnut - Phosporised Paper. A superb unmounted mint horizontal pair showing an excellent example of a ''Broken Pin'' variety between the two stamps. to your basket
view larger image for SG X969a (1991) - 24p Chestnut - Phosphorised Paper<br/> A superb unmounted mint NE corner <b>IMPERFORATE</b> horizontal pair

SG X969a
24p Chestnut - Phosphorised Paper
A superb unmounted mint NE corner IMPERFORATE horizontal pair
£175.00 Add SG X969a (1991) - 24p Chestnut - Phosphorised Paper<br/> A superb unmounted mint NE corner <b>IMPERFORATE</b> horizontal pair to your basket
view larger image for SG X1000avar (1980) - 2p Emerald Green - Litho - Questa - Perforation 15x14<br/>
A superb unmounted mint block of four with the lower two stamps completely blurred probably caused by the paper flexing against the cylinder. Rare and unusual.

SG X1000avar
2p Emerald Green - Litho - Questa - Perforation 15x14
A superb unmounted mint block of four with the lower two stamps completely blurred probably caused by the paper flexing against the cylinder. Rare and unusual.
£95.00 Add SG X1000avar (1980) - 2p Emerald Green - Litho - Questa - Perforation 15x14<br/>
A superb unmounted mint block of four with the lower two stamps completely blurred probably caused by the paper flexing against the cylinder. Rare and unusual. to your basket
view larger image for SG X1923var (1980) - 75p black - Litho - Questa - Perforation 14<br/>
A superb unmounted mint block of four showing a lovely ''Litho Ring Flaw'' above the Queen's nose on lower right stamp.

SG X1923var
75p black - Litho - Questa - Perforation 14
A superb unmounted mint block of four showing a lovely ''Litho Ring Flaw'' above the Queen's nose on lower right stamp.
£35.00 Add SG X1923var (1980) - 75p black - Litho - Questa - Perforation 14<br/>
A superb unmounted mint block of four showing a lovely ''Litho Ring Flaw'' above the Queen's nose on lower right stamp. to your basket
view larger image for SG X907, X899 var (1982) - 12½p Light Emerald - Right Band<br/>
15½p Pale Violet - 2 Bands<br/>
A vertical se-tenant pair superb unmounted mint with a narrow vertical phosphor band down the middle !!!

SG X907, X899 var
12½p Light Emerald - Right Band
15½p Pale Violet - 2 Bands
A vertical se-tenant pair superb unmounted mint with a narrow vertical phosphor band down the middle !!!
£7.50 Add SG X907, X899 var (1982) - 12½p Light Emerald - Right Band<br/>
15½p Pale Violet - 2 Bands<br/>
A vertical se-tenant pair superb unmounted mint with a narrow vertical phosphor band down the middle !!! to your basket


Previous Page of British Stamps Booklets Displaying results 31- 54 (of 54)