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Browse - Complete Sheets Stamps - Choose Subsection

All sheets shown will have almost certainly have been folded in the past and will have been folded for scanning however I can assure you they will be sound and will not be falling apart!

All sheets will be UNMOUNTED unless stated.

If you are looking for a particular issue in complete sheets do contact me, I may have them in stock!

If you are looking for a particular issue in sheets that is not showing here please email me as I just might have. I also have many sheets for various odd values, too many to list as odd sheets so again email me a list of what you need.

Postage and Packing for sheets will be at cost plus £2.50 for packing due to the amount of packaging used to protect.

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Specialist Items:

Definitive (40)   Definitive (1)
Commemorative (35)   Commemorative (0)